Top 5 Social Media Marketing Tips


In today’s digital age, it is hard for brands and businesses to thrive without a social media presence. With social media being highly saturated, however, it doesn’t make it as simple as one may think. A savvy social media marketing plan will not only help get your brand noticed but will keep viewers coming back for new content. Follow these guidelines when creating your brand’s social media marketing strategy to drive customer engagement and lead generation for long-term growth and success.


1. Stay fresh. Engage your audience by keeping up with the latest trends, topics, and current events. Some topics like, the argument between Millennials and Gen Z on what’s cool or not (for example, using the word ‘cool’), or ways to provide aid to the California wildfires, are time-sensitive discussions—and getting involved in the conversation at the right time can boost your credibility, in addition to increasing your online visibility. By engaging in such topics, you are demonstrating your awareness of what’s new and current, and therefore, always providing a source of fresh and relevant content for your audience.


2. Use captivating imagery. The visual component of any post is what captures the viewer’s attention first and foremost. With the plethora of content out there—where super-fast scrolling is the norm—strong imagery is key in getting your followers to pause and take a look at your content. Not only will effective visual content give you stopping power, but it can get your message across faster and more efficiently. Start by creating a mood board for your social media visual direction that focuses on your business needs and target customers or followers. Within this mood board, there might be a few themes for different types of content, but make sure they all align with your brand guidelines. Don’t be afraid to refresh your mood board every once in a while so that your brand continues to evolve.


3. Provide value. Make sure your posts have meaning behind them. Increase and retain your followers by creating value-added content and becoming a knowledge source for your target audience. This will require some research. What common interests do your followers share? In what subjects are they looking for guidance? What topics are often discussed? Your posts should be relatable and address the needs of your target audience.


4. Include a call-to-action. Never leave a post open-ended. Every post should be an opportunity for your audience to engage with you or find out more about your brand, business, or offer. Let your audience know what action you want them to take, and how to get there. Here are some simple examples of calls to action that could work for you:

●      Visit our website to see what we’re all about

●      Call now to take advantage of this exclusive offer

●      Subscribe to our weekly newsletters for more insights

●      Order below through our website

●      What are your thoughts? We would love to hear where you stand on this topic.


5. Show your followers that you care. Engage with your audience on a regular basis. Posting alone will not increase viewer engagement. Reply to comments and thank your followers promptly to show that you genuinely care about what they have to say. Getting to know your followers by asking follow-up questions and interacting with them can be used as informal market research that may provide useful insight in addition to creating a way to build connections that show you are truly invested.

Every brand needs a strong social media marketing plan to truly flourish in this digital age. However, simply having a profile and posting sporadically is not enough. Following these guidelines will help give your viewers a reason to keep following, engaging, and referring back to your social media page for years to come.


Are these tips already a part of your current social media marketing strategy? What do you find most difficult when executing social media marketing? Comment below and we may cover your topic next!


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