A Look at the Bright Side of Social Distancing

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What is social distancing? Social distancing is the idea of minimizing or eliminating contact with other people. It means avoiding public areas & social gatherings and working from home.




What is its purpose? Social distancing has been implemented to reduce the number of people with and without symptoms that are exposed to COVID-19, in order to flatten the curve of positive cases.

While you’re home practicing social distancing, there are so many things you can do to make it a fun and positive experience. You’ll have more time to do the things you enjoy or try something new. Let’s look at some of the potential upsides to social distancing.




1. Physical

There are a multitude of exercises that can be done at home. For example, sit-ups, planks, and other core exercises don’t require any equipment. If you are feeling well enough, go for a refreshing walk outside. Just remember, keep a safe distance of at least 6 feet from others.




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2. Environmental

Beyond what is going on inside your homes, there is an outside world that is benefiting from people staying home. Due to decreased driving and transportation, in addition to reduced corporate operations and limited tourism, the world is seeing benefits to our climate—less air and water pollution.1




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3. Emotional

Parents can spend more quality time with their children. Instead of spending up to 80 hours a week working, parents can now commit a little extra time connecting with the people that matter most.2 Make this a special time to connect and re-engage with the ones you love.




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4. Mental

Is there a new activity or hobby you’ve been wanting to get into, but haven’t had the time? Is there a new puzzle, or book you’ve been wanting to start? Now is the perfect time to get started on that new project you’ve been putting off.




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5. Relationship Building

We live in a time where it's easy to reach out through video, phone call, text, or email. If you're missing a friend or family member, or need to conduct a meeting with a co­worker, simply pick up the phone or get on your computer to make a real connection.


Take a step back from your normal routine and look at the bright side of social distancing. Stay home, learn a new skill, spend time with your children, keep your community safe.



  1. https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/opre/parent_work_schedules_in_households_with_young_children_toopre_083117.pdf
  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/coronavirus-shutdowns-have-unintended-climate-benefits-n1161921

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